Bid writing and grant writing success

Looking for successful results in fundraising?

bid writing

Hoping for three in a row – 100% success so far

Looking for successful results in bid writing or grant writing? Then look no further than our recent pro-bono partnership with It’s All About Culture (IAAC). We recently submitted our third proposal for IAAC and we’re hoping for three in a row bid success too.

Our first grant ask was to the Asda Foundation in December, which was a resounding success. It secured three months funding to cover winter utility bills for their Multicultural Hub in the Sovereign Centre in Boscombe. This Hub provides a warm space for diverse communities to connect and feel safe.

Our second bid writing request was to the Winter Crisis Grant Programme funded by NHS Dorset. This was also successful, securing six months of funding to provide access for hundreds of people to subsidised food. The project funded emergency culturally appropriate food parcels and activities that enable people to connect with others.

We submitted the latest grant writing proposal to the Screwfix Foundation. This is for funds to renovate the kitchen that serves the whole IAAC community. The refurbishment will enable the charity to teach locals how to cook healthily, further supporting the community’s health and wellbeing.

It’s All About Culture is a volunteer-based, diversity-led charity. It has a Multicultural Hub in one of the most deprived areas of Dorset county – Boscombe – supporting thousands of people.

IAAC originally sought our help to:

  • Create their information repository (typical information funders ask for)
  • Identify potential local Dorset and national funding organisations
  • Create a priority funding opportunity plan
  • Write proposals to get priority funding

We are proud to have helped IAAC secure over £10,000 so far. We have focussed on getting the foundations in place. This includes an information repository and good governance policy. Secondly we followed up with requests for immediate funding needs, such as winter survival funding. Now we can now work on a longer-term strategy and core funding requirements.

If you are a not-for-profit organisation in Dorset looking for support with bid writing, please get in touch with us. We’re here to help you achieve success and make a real difference in your community.

Bid writing and grant writing success for local charity It's All About Culture through Triple Yellow's pro bono work


Sarah’s ability to research, investigate and uncover key sector information quickly is a real skill, and vital for a growing company like ours

Emma Mahy, CEO, IoT Solutions Group Ltd

Sarah and I created a marketing Video on the topic of ISO/IEC 27001. Working together was a lot of fun and pleasant. She was very co-operative, and it turned out that her calming voice was the perfect match for our Video

Fridolin Leibetseder, Chief Information Security Officer, x-tention gmbH

Thank you for today’s social media post review meeting. In fact, thank you for all the review meetings. I always find them inspiring.

Sue Melia, Founder, Netconsult Online

Thanks for the charity project report it’s great, don’t what I would do without you.

Charmaine Beckles, Trustee, It’s All About Culture (IAAC) charity

Qualified business support

Data protection has become a hot topic…

business support

Qualified business support – The Journey to Becoming a Certified Data Protection Officer

In today’s digital age, data protection as a qualified business support has become a hot topic, affecting businesses and organisations of all sizes. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), implemented by the European Union (EU) in 2018, has had a significant impact on how personal data is handled. Since leaving the EU our own UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) has taken its place.

Realising the importance of safeguarding sensitive information and wanting to understand better how to support Dorset businesses and not-for-profits, I have recently embarked on a journey to become a certified Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Understanding GDPR

GDPR is a set of regulations designed to protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens. It covers various data protection principles, such as obtaining valid consent, ensuring data security, conducting impact assessments, and promoting transparent data processing practices. Non-compliance with GDPR can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

What matters is the nature and amount of data you process

The more I am learning about GDPR and Data Protection the more I am understanding their importance for Dorset small businesses and not-for-profit organisations:

  1. Empowering Privacy Rights: GDPR grants individuals more control over their personal data, including the right to access, rectify, and erase their information. Complying with GDPR ensures that small businesses and not-for-profits respect and protect these privacy rights, fostering trust and maintaining positive relationships with customers, donors, and stakeholders.
  2. Cultivating Customer Loyalty: Prioritising data protection and respecting individuals’ privacy rights fosters trust and loyalty among customers and donors. By demonstrating a commitment to GDPR compliance, small businesses and not-for-profits can build long-term relationships, leading to increased customer retention and repeat business.
  3. Safeguarding Reputation and Brand Image: A data breach or non-compliance with GDPR can severely damage an organisation’s reputation and brand image. News of data mishandling spreads rapidly and can result in negative publicity. By prioritising data protection, small businesses and not-for-profits can demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices and build a trustworthy brand image. This, in turn, can attract new customers, donors, and partners who value privacy and security.
  4. Maintaining Regulatory Compliance: GDPR is not just a European or UK regulation; it has global implications. Even businesses and organisations outside the EU may need to comply if they handle personal data of EU or UK citizens. By adhering to GDPR standards, small businesses and not-for-profits can avoid potential legal issues, maintain regulatory compliance, and ensure smooth operations, regardless of their geographic location.
  5. Future-Proofing Data Practices: Data protection regulations continue to evolve, and it is essential for organisations to stay up to date with the latest requirements. By investing in GDPR and data protection training, small businesses and not-for-profits can future-proof their data practices. They can develop a culture of privacy and security, adapt to new regulations, and be prepared for any upcoming changes in the data protection landscape.


Sarah’s ability to research, investigate and uncover key sector information quickly is a real skill, and vital for a growing company like ours

Emma Mahy, CEO, IoT Solutions Group Ltd

Sarah and I created a marketing Video on the topic of ISO/IEC 27001. Working together was a lot of fun and pleasant. She was very co-operative, and it turned out that her calming voice was the perfect match for our Video

Fridolin Leibetseder, Chief Information Security Officer, x-tention gmbH

Thank you for today’s social media post review meeting. In fact, thank you for all the review meetings. I always find them inspiring.

Sue Melia, Founder, Netconsult Online

Thanks for the charity project report it’s great, don’t what I would do without you.

Charmaine Beckles, Trustee, It’s All About Culture (IAAC) charity

In-depth Dorset knowledge

Financing, Funding and Futures in Dorset

business support

I recently had the pleasure of sharing some in-depth Dorset knowledge by providing a ‘Financing, Funding and Futures’ workshop to several Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) residents of the AUB Innovation Studio.

The AUB Innovation Studio operates as a lab for creative technologies. It offers a nucleus for start-ups and regional enterprises, and is a hub for industry engagement, with a focus on collaboration, high-skills development, entrepreneurship, research, and prototyping.

In return, AUB offers free support back to Dorset small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), startups, sole traders and social enterprises through:

  • Access vouchers allowing businesses access to AUB’s world-class facilities, which include SLS 3D printing, CNC routing, 3 and 5 axis CNC milling for prototyping and testing.
  • ‘Start-It’ workshops ideal for start-ups, budding entrepreneurs and practitioners wishing to get expert feedback on their idea. A short registration form will need to be completed along with a short proposal of your idea.
  • ‘Make-It’ workshops created as highly practical one-day workshops to support design-led research and prototyping needs for industry. These workshops are delivered by AUB 3D designers to help demystify the terminology around digital fabrication and show the steps required to undertake your own prototyping project.

My workshop session was all about the Dorset financing and funding environment, helping them understand:

Dorset economy

What does it look like here and what sector support is available

Finance in Dorset – What financial support is available for various stages of development, from grants to loans, crowdfunding to angel investment

Dorset movers and shakers – Who are they and where to get key news and insight to help grow their organisation

Opportunities in BCP and Dorset areas – How to plug into tender and contract opportunities. How to join the networks and newsletters that are really helpful and will expand their business opportunities

Dorset futures – What financing, funding and future opportunities and risks are coming over the horizon and how to take advantage of these opportunities.

Dorset is losing home-grown talent after graduation. According to the Southern Policy Centre’s ‘Retaining Graduates’ 2019 report, only 16% of students domiciled in Dorset remaining to work in Dorset. Therefore we must do everything to help support them and international graduates who want to stay and grow their business in Dorset.

If you want to know which helpful business support organisations exist in Dorset, then head over to the ‘Dorset Support Organisations’ web page on this site.

If you want any particular in-depth Dorset knowledge, or to know what Dorset funding and financial support is available then please get in touch.

‘Financing, Funding and Futures’ workshop at the Arts University Bournemouth gave in-depth Dorset knowledge to support organisations better


Sarah’s ability to research, investigate and uncover key sector information quickly is a real skill, and vital for a growing company like ours

Emma Mahy, CEO, IoT Solutions Group Ltd

Sarah and I created a marketing Video on the topic of ISO/IEC 27001. Working together was a lot of fun and pleasant. She was very co-operative, and it turned out that her calming voice was the perfect match for our Video

Fridolin Leibetseder, Chief Information Security Officer, x-tention gmbH

Thank you for today’s social media post review meeting. In fact, thank you for all the review meetings. I always find them inspiring.

Sue Melia, Founder, Netconsult Online

Thanks for the charity project report it’s great, don’t what I would do without you.

Charmaine Beckles, Trustee, It’s All About Culture (IAAC) charity

Flexible hands-on expert


Short-term critical business support is quite hard to find

When you need a flexible hands-on expert, someone to create social media posts one week, then write bid documents for a contract tender the next month, then project manage a trade fair attendance later in the year, together with creating promotional case studies from the customers’ viewpoint … the list goes on. You and your team don’t have the time / expertise to do it all, and you don’t have the funds to hire full-time.

Let us give you an example of where we have provided short-term critical support to a growing small business over the past three years.

Designed mainly for smaller security installation and management companies, TetherX is a platform and IoT gateway that securely ‘tethers’ physical security devices (CCTV cameras, ANPR cameras, access door sensors etc.) at multiple locations and makes them easy to monitor, manage and maintain on a single dashboard and remotely via an app at the touch of a button.

We originally started working with them in response to their new investors requiring quick turnaround times for key growth tasks.

Since then we have provided:

  • Security market research to identify new expansion markets, sectors and trade events
  • Written processes for manufacturing, quality checks and sales
  • LinkedIn research to identify and follow key movers and shakers in the market, including competitors
  • Support for trade fairs, promoting the company with new marketing materials
  • Content support for a promotional video
  • Case studies that speak to and show the benefits to each market sector
  • Relationship-building with key security partners to promote the product
  • Tender writing for a challenge funding pot
  • Visits to customers to understand their needs
  • ISO 9001 documentation
  • Team gathering to map the future

Some tasks lasted a couple of days, others a couple of months. The company pulled on us when they needed a flexible hands-on expert.

After a recent break of just over six months we have been recently contacted again for short-term support, which we will happily give (subject to capacity of course!)

Short-term critical business support is quite hard to find in Dorset. Contact us if you need a flexible hands-on expert


Sarah’s ability to research, investigate and uncover key sector information quickly is a real skill, and vital for a growing company like ours

Emma Mahy, CEO, IoT Solutions Group Ltd

Sarah and I created a marketing Video on the topic of ISO/IEC 27001. Working together was a lot of fun and pleasant. She was very co-operative, and it turned out that her calming voice was the perfect match for our Video

Fridolin Leibetseder, Chief Information Security Officer, x-tention gmbH

Thank you for today’s social media post review meeting. In fact, thank you for all the review meetings. I always find them inspiring.

Sue Melia, Founder, Netconsult Online

Thanks for the charity project report it’s great, don’t what I would do without you.

Charmaine Beckles, Trustee, It’s All About Culture (IAAC) charity