Case Study – Not-for-Profit

Finding money for projects and core costs

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From Bid Reviews to Bid Writing wins – Best Returns on Investment


This not-for-profit case study focuses on Advantages of Age, an ambitious and growing social enterprise. Founded by Suzanne and Mark, it delivers impactful business courses to help those aged 50+, who are currently unemployed or economically inactive, to find new pathways to employment.

With the effect of the pandemic on the older working population, Advantages of Age’s flagship programme, Start up School for Seniors, has become an award-winning online course supporting those aged 50+ to take their first steps towards self-employment, or turn their side hustle into a profitable income.


However, the organisation was struggling with a lack of resources to scan for tender opportunities, register interest for tenders, prepare, review and submit bids, which meant they were missing out on new project, core funding and platform development opportunities.


This is where Triple Yellow stepped in and created a Bid Information Repository for Advantages of Age to have ‘one version of the truth’ information for 80% of typical tender questions. This repository saved the organisation a lot of time looking for the same information with every new tender.

Following a review of several written funding bids, which were successful, Triple Yellow took on the writing of major bids for Advantages of Age. It soon won £170,000 of bids with a 70% success rate. This not only helped Advantages of Age to secure much-needed funding but also allowed them to focus on delivering their courses and making a positive impact on the lives of the older working population.


Suzanne Noble, Founder of Advantages of Age, expressed her satisfaction with the partnership, stating,

“We contacted Sarah to help cast her eye (and her expertise) over a funding bid to which we were applying. She came up with some very useful suggestions which we implemented and spotted areas for improvement. We won. We are now using her services regularly”.

This demonstrates the effectiveness of Triple Yellow’s approach and their ability to deliver tangible results for their clients and help them overcome short-term resource constraints.

This partnership showcases the value of Triple Yellow’s services and the benefits they can bring to their clients, making them an ideal partner for organisations looking to win bids and secure funding.

Case study - Not-for-profit - From bid reviews to Bid writing wins, best returns on investment


Sarah’s ability to research, investigate and uncover key sector information quickly is a real skill, and vital for a growing company like ours

Emma Mahy, CEO, IoT Solutions Group Ltd

Sarah and I created a marketing Video on the topic of ISO/IEC 27001. Working together was a lot of fun and pleasant. She was very co-operative, and it turned out that her calming voice was the perfect match for our Video

Fridolin Leibetseder, Chief Information Security Officer, x-tention gmbH

Thank you for today’s social media post review meeting. In fact, thank you for all the review meetings. I always find them inspiring.

Sue Melia, Founder, Netconsult Online

Thanks for the charity project report it’s great, don’t what I would do without you.

Charmaine Beckles, Trustee, It’s All About Culture (IAAC) charity