Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership

Dorset business support

Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (Dorset LEP)

Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (Dorset LEP) is a group of people who work together to make Dorset’s economy stronger. They work with local government, businesses, schools, and other organisations to make this happen. The key word with Dorset LEP is ‘partnership’.

Dorset LEP has some money from the government and its main goals are to:

  • Come up with plans to make Dorset’s economy better and create more jobs for local people
  • Encourage new businesses to start up in Dorset and help existing businesses to grow
  • Provide assistance to businesses in any way they can
  • Help people in Dorset to get the skills they need to find good jobs and have successful careers.

The Dorset LEP website is an excellent source of Business Support information (government and local) and Business Sector information.

Dorset LEP


Sarah’s ability to research, investigate and uncover key sector information quickly is a real skill, and vital for a growing company like ours

Emma Mahy, CEO, IoT Solutions Group Ltd

Sarah and I created a marketing Video on the topic of ISO/IEC 27001. Working together was a lot of fun and pleasant. She was very co-operative, and it turned out that her calming voice was the perfect match for our Video

Fridolin Leibetseder, Chief Information Security Officer, x-tention gmbH

Thank you for today’s social media post review meeting. In fact, thank you for all the review meetings. I always find them inspiring.

Sue Melia, Founder, Netconsult Online

Thanks for the charity project report it’s great, don’t what I would do without you.

Charmaine Beckles, Trustee, It’s All About Culture (IAAC) charity

Dorset LEP